About us

Nicolas Namias, Chairman of the Management Board of BPCE & Thierry Cahn, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Groupe BPCE


It is with great pleasure that we share the honor and privilege of introducing this book dedicated to the BPCE Towers, a place we know as our ‘common home’ where more than 9,000 group employees come to spend their working days.
A veritable feat of architectural ingenuity, these towers give tangible expression to the links that bind our companies together – Banques Populaires, Caisses d’Epargne, Natixis, Oney, Banque Palatine, and the entities of Communauté BPCE – all driven by a shared commitment to serving the needs of our customers, cooperative shareholders, and employees. The BPCE Towers reflect what we truly are: a robust and innovative banking group with a panoply of powerful brands, whose cooperative business model gives us the ability to take the longer view, a key advantage over our peers! In this respect, these towers translate both the prominence we enjoy in our industry and the confidence we possess in the future. We fully appreciate just how much energy and innovative spirit was required of all those who took part in this great adventure. We would like to extend to them our warmest thanks. To have contributed to the realization of a project of this stature destined, as it is, to have a lasting impact on the Parisian urban skyline is a source of immense pride for everyone concerned. By gathering their testimonials and highlighting their expertise, this book is largely dedicated to them all.
With the BPCE Towers, we have begun to write a new page in the history of our group and its companies. It is our ambition to make these towers a place of development for our brands, a vibrant common home welcoming all our employees, customers and partners. Together, we will set about writing new chapters in our long and celebrated history.
With these words, we welcome you all to our new common home!