
All actors


All actors

The collaborative aspect is an essential dimension of the WELL programme, as illustrated by the network of referents and ambassadors and, more broadly, the call for voluntary contributors.

Raphaëlle Merea, WELL advisor, BPCE Assurances, and Valérie Tudoux, WELL ambassador, Chief Operating Officer, Natixis CIB

“The fact of taking part in the far-reaching WELL program has made me aware of the diversity of our business lines, both within my entity and in the group.”

Raphaëlle Merea

WELL advisor, BPCE Assurances

“The WELL program allowed me to share a superb collective and human experience, that was enriching from all points of view, and really useful in real-life situations.”

Valérie Tudoux

WELL ambassador, Chief Operating Officer, Natixis CIB 

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The neighborhood


The neighborhood

For many years, it consisted of fields cultivated by a handful of farmers and of quarries worked for their stone rubble. For many years, it echoed to the cries of women walled up in the dungeons of the Salpêtrière prison. For many years, it was an industrial zone pulsing to the throb of factories drawn by the dual proximity of the Seine and the recently constructed railway line, but then, in the early 1970s, the district fell silent. The land re-verted to the wild and the buildings began to crumble. This silent abandonment would last for more than 20 years.

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