
At your service!


At your service!

The WELL programme has focused on an innovative and diversified range of services, of which the Welcome bar and catering are two emblematic examples.

The walk-in Welcome bar is open to all and ready to help users to resolve IT-related problems or issues with the working environment, to welcome new arrivals, to stage a practical workshop, etc.

Christophe Lecomte, Coordinator of BPCE Towers support 
functionalities, BPCE-IT, and Damien Derrier, Manager of Alpha Projects, BPCE IT

“I find it more satisfying to interact with my contacts face-to-face; this personal contact enables me to broaden the scope of my advice.”

Christophe Lecomte

Coordinator of BPCE Towers support functionalities, BPCE-IT

Seasonal dishes
A catering service that emphasizes high quality, variety and respect for the environment in the six restaurants, offering a selection of complementary dishes on the different floors.

“This is the place where we can get initial feedback, something that provides a good illustration of the notion of cocooning. And they continue to help us until the problem is solved.”

Damien Derrier

Manager of Alpha Projects, BPCE IT

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“We all have a role to play in reducing
our carbon footprint.”


“We all have a role to play in reducing
our carbon footprint.”

Interview with Valérie Derambure, Head of CSR, Goupe BPCE, until january 2024.

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