Groupe BPCE in the neighborhood
The history of Groupe BPCE is closely tied up with the neighborhood. It was founded here in 2009, and several of its entities have moved here over the years, such as the Communauté BPCE or Global Financial Services… not to mention its corporate headquarters, now located in the famous BPCE Towers at 7 promenade Germaine-Sablon (Paris).
With nearly 15,000 people working in the neighborhood in 2022, Groupe BPCE is one of the foremost employers in Paris Rive Gauche thereby making a decisive daily contribution to the dynamism of the district.
The installation of Banque Populaire Rives de Paris between 2006 and 2022, and the presence of the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France since 2011, made a particularly strong impact on local development by further increasing the neighborhood’s appeal to retailers, businesses, and residents.
In their capacity as local banks, they are key economic players working closely with their clientele of individual and professional customers, business organizations, institutions and associations. By contributing to various initiatives, such as support for the cancer research program at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital or sponsorship of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, they also carry out missions of social solidarity in many areas.

Liberté 2 - Groupe BPCE (Charenton)

Avant-Seine - Groupe BPCE (Paris 13)
CDC Ixis moves into the Athos building, the current headquarters of the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France Paris, at 26 Rue Neuve Tolbiac.
CDC Ixis Capital Market (the future CIB) moves into its new headquarters at 47 Quai d’Austerlitz.
CNCE, the Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, moves to 50 Avenue Pierre-Mendès-France, on the Avant-Seine site.

The Banque Populaire Rives de Paris (BPRI) and Fédération nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP) move
to a newly built building at 76 Avenue de France. Ixis subsidiaries move to 29 Quai d’Austerlitz in the Grand Seine building.
BPCE Financements moves
to 87-89 Quai Panhard Levassor, in the Sequana building.
Natixis moves its corporate headquarters from 45 rue Saint‑Dominique, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, to 30 Avenue Pierre-Mendès-France. BPCE Achats arrives at 12 Rue Fernand-Braudel, in the Malraux building.

Creation of Groupe BPCE headquarters located at 50 Avenue Pierre-Mendès-France.

The Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France (CEIDF) moves to 26/28 Rue Neuve Tolbiac in the Athos building, previously occupied by Natixis.
IT-CE teams move to the Braudel building, 188 Avenue de France (currently named BPCE SI).
Global Financial Services teams move to 43 Avenue Pierre-Mendès-France, in the Elements building.
Communauté BPCE teams move to 110 Avenue de France, in the Odyssey building.
Teams from Communauté BPCE and Global Financial Services move in at 59 avenue Pierre-Mendès-France, in Austerlitz 2 building.


The BPCE Towers at 7 promenade Germaine-Sablon (Paris) become the group’s new headquarters.
And in Charenton, too
Teams from the Communauté BPCE and Global Financial Services now work at three sites located in Charenton: Coupole, 4-10 Place de la Coupole (since 1990), Liberté 2, 5 avenue de la Liberté (since 2005) and Nouveau Bercy, 14-18 avenue du Général-de-Gaulle (since 2013).