
The group's "Common home"


The group's "Common home"

Bénédicte Solanet, member of the Management Board, Finance Business Unit, Caisse d’Epargne Grand Est Europe, and Géraldine Bellanger, Market Manager, Banque Populaire Rives de Paris.

“I’m looking forward to coming to the BPCE Towers, to having an opportunity to get together with my colleagues from the group both in formal meetings and in the informal gatherings we need to build a team spirit.”

Bénédicte Solanet

Member of the Management Board, Finance Business Unit, Caisse d’Epargne Grand Est Europe

“The notion of a ‘common home’ gives tangible expression to our collective strength: teams gathered together with a view to promoting synergies and the development of the group and its companies, a combined effort for which we all share joint responsibility.”

Géraldine Bellanger 

Market Manager, Banque Populaire Rives de Paris

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A place of welcome


A place of welcome

Each entrance hall boasts its own work of art: Promesses in the West Tower, a sculpture created by Marguerite Humeau, recalls features of Ed Pien’s Rêverie in the East Tower.

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