“The BPCE Towers are, above all, a marvelous adventure”
Interview with Béatrice Lafaurie, Head of Human Resources, Groupe BPCE.
What do the BPCE Towers represent from a human resources perspective?
The BPCE Towers epitomize both how we imagine the future of work and how this future is currently unfolding, in a manner consistent with our employees’ expectations and in line with the major trends taking shape all over the world. These trends reflect a massive program aimed at transforming our working environments and patterns of work. But, above all, it’s a marvelous adventure. This is true, of course, for the 9,000 employees working in the BPCE Towers but also for all those working at the other sites covered by the WELL program. We believe in this transformation very strongly; the fact that we’ve included it in our BPCE 2024 strategic plan is proof of this. But, to be honest, we haven’t yet identified nor appraised all the changes we are currently experiencing. This is another reason why this project is so exciting.
How do you see this ‘future of work’?
People talk about the ‘future of work’ because all the different aspects of productive activity are currently in a state of constant flux. We’re seeing, first of all, changes in organizational models with the notable advent of hybrid working practices that, in 2022, affected one out of every two Group employees. Secondly, we are also witnessing changes in the content of work assignments at all our sites and for a large proportion of our people. And, finally, we are also observing significant changes in how people relate to work. We are living through a societal and technological revolution that calls for new approaches in terms of human resources management. We need to obtain a clear understanding of the different transformations currently underway in order to develop among our people a sense of belonging to our companies and brands, to ensure well-being and the quality of life at work, and to take account of our environmental footprint. We need to develop without delay the right HR model that best suits changes in our business activities, the needs of new employees currently joining us as well as the needs of those already in the Group.

What are the challenges for the Group?
We face challenges in terms of attractiveness, especially in the Paris region. In this respect, hybrid working practices, which give employees greater independence and the possibility to work differently, are a real asset for the Group. When a company develops this type of system – with ten days of remote working every month – it shows that the company trusts its employees, and that’s an excellent thing to do!
What was your first impression of the BPCE Towers?
Wonderful! I think the Towers are really beautiful… and in perfect harmony with the experiment in work organization we want to conduct there. I have an extremely favorable impression and hope our teams feel the same way about it as I do. In any event, we’re going to do our very best to make sure that our employees feel happy in their new environment.

Head of Human Resources, Groupe BPCE
Beyond the BPCE Towers, the experience offered to group employees extends to our activities in regional France and around the world via the WELL program.
Outside the Île-de-France region, where the WELL program was first launched in 2020, some twenty Communauté BPCE and Global Financial Services (GFS) sites located in France had signed up to the WELL approach by the end of 2022, along with the main GFS centers in Europe, the United States, and Asia. Employees find the same shared identity markers related to office space modularity, innovation, and well-being in the workplace.

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