
Viewpoint indicator: sight of the Parisian landscape from the BPCE Towers


Viewpoint indicator: sight of the Parisian landscape from the BPCE Towers

Many Parisian monuments and buildings are clearly visible from the BPCE Towers thanks to their unobstructed view of the skyline.

Centrale thermique
de Vitry-sur-Seine (94) 6 km
de Paris-Orly 13 km
Orsay 22,6 km
Tour Super-Italie 2,1 km
Tour Montparnasse 5,5 km
Tour Eiffel 8,6 km
La Défense 14 km
Palais de justice 10,5 km
Montmartre 8,7 km
Ministère de l’Économie
et des Finances 2,5 km
Tour TDF (Romainville) 8,5 km
Tour Mercuriales 6 km
de Vincennes 5 km
Parc zoologique
de Paris 2,9 km
Tour hertzienne
de Chennevières-sur-Marne (94) 12,5 km
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The BPCE towers, a symbolic representation of our faith in the future


The BPCE towers, a symbolic representation of our faith in the future

Interview with François Codet, CEO of insurance at Groupe BPCE until november 2023.

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